7 Signs That He is Interested in You! You Won’t Be Confused Over Whether He Likes You Or Not Anymore

7 Signs That He is Interested in You! You Won’t Be Confused Over Whether He Likes You Or Not Anymore

How would you know if the guy is actually interested and has feelings for you if he does not like to convey them through words? It is a known fact that men do not express their emotions all the time. Your dream guy may not be expressing his love for you, but he may be sending out signals that reveal his true intentions. So, it is up to you to identify what those signals are. To help you in that aspect, here are 7 signs to look for:

Your man will stand with hands placed on his hips. This is not only to suggest confidence with his body and to emphasize his physical size, but also to gesture that he is into you.

Your man will fiddle and pull up his socks. If the guy of your dreams pulls up his socks or adjusts them when he is with you, then it is definitely a 100{70bf3f0de345653d44762dc26ff670ad140dd79bcbd9067b668b28c6672699c3} indication that he likes you a lot and trying to maintain a nice appearance.

Your man’s eyebrows are a bit raised when you are talking. A little quizzical, surprised look signifies that he is fascinated about you, or totally head over heels in love with you, and honestly, either one is preferable. Any woman would want a man to look at them with relaxed and charming eyebrows and eyes.

Your man will mess up or fix his hair. The sign he choose will depend on the type of hairstyle he has and what should be done in order to make it more attractive. Men have this habit of fiddling with their hair more often and involuntarily. Look back the next time you excuse yourself to powder your nose and you will surely see him touch his hair.

Your man’s face will open up and his nostrils flicker. Wide eyes, parted lips, raised eyebrows and flared nostrils are clear gestures that he is interested in you.

Your man will try to get your attention. Some men would subtly adjust their tie and whisper a prayer to attract your attention, while others will turn into Jerry Lewis and become very rowdy and loud. Any gestures or actions that are over the top typically mean he is trying to get you to notice him. Another sign is that he will unconsciously cut himself off from his friends by positioning himself in such a way that he would be seen unaccompanied.

Your man’s lips would part. If you see his lips part ways for a split second when the two of your first see other, then this is an absolute sign that he likes you.