Bodybuilding ebooks – 5 Things to Look For

In a perfect world, everyone who wanted to gain muscle, get ripped, and achieve that perfect physique would have the ultimate trainer at his disposal, someone who knew exactly what to do to get bigger, stronger, and faster. Unfortunately, trainers at most commercial gyms these days just plain suck! They’re not big or strong, sometimes they’re not even in good shape, they know little or nothing about how to actually make progress in the weight room, and they charge outrageous prices.
Thankfully, there are some great bodybuilding ebooks out there that can guide you on your road to muscle. However, not all of them are created equal. In this day and age, you can find a lot of information on the internet for free. It’s clear that some people just cobble together whatever phony advice they can find into a crappy pdf and slap a fifty-dollar price tag on it. There are a few key qualities you need to look for before buying any bodybuilding ebooks.
1. Instructions for Strength!
If you’ve read anything at all about bodybuilding, you probably realize that there are just tons of ways to train for building muscle. High volume, high intensity, low reps, supersets, the list goes on. However, you should understand that the only way you’re going to gain significant muscle with ANY of these training systems is by getting stronger.
Again, there are many valid ways to go about accomplishing this goal. Different ebooks might promote different training methods, but the one you choose needs to talk about strength! Don’t buy into any hype about books, pamphlets, subscriptions, and other paid publications that just tell you to do three sets of this or a drop-set of that. You need to find instructions on how to add weight to the bar AND still be able to get it off your chest or off the floor!
2. Exercise Guides for Perfect Form
Reading a program that outlines the sets, reps, and weight you’re going to use is one thing, but actually performing the most effective muscle-building movements is a whole different ballgame. If you’re going to succeed at getting stronger and making the most out of every rep you perform in the gym, you’ve got to learn proper form! There is no way around it.
Therefore, good bodybuilding ebooks will also give detailed instructions on how to perform important lifts like the squat, bench press, deadlift, military press, pull-up, and dips. It’s got to include different tricks and tweaks you can use, as well. How do you use the bench press to build your pecs? How can you get your hamstrings to assist your quads in the squat? The book’s gotta tell you!
3. The Low-Down on Bodybuilding Nutrition
Unless you’ve been living under a rock within the bodybuilding world, you know that nutrition is the key to your muscle building success. You can train all you want, but your body can’t build any more muscle mass if you don’t feed it right. A good bodybuilding eBook will place just as much emphasis, if not more, on what you should be doing in the kitchen to get big and strong.
Exactly what does the book need? First of all, it needs basic instructions on how to get essential nutrients – proteins, fats, and carbs, as well as certain vitamins and minerals. Second, it needs to explain how to figure out the amounts of food you should be eating and when you should be eating them. Finally, a really great muscle building book will give you some meal plans and recipes to serve as good examples. Some people really don’t understand how much they need to eat to build muscle until they actually read EXACTLY what a bodybuilder eats on a day-to-day basis.
4. No-BS Supplement Talk
Chances are if you’re reading this bodybuilding info online, you’ve already been barraged with one advertisement after another for crap supplements. Selling cheap powder and pills at ridiculously high prices has always been in vogue in the bodybuilding world, and that’s not about to change anytime soon. Supplements can certainly help your progress, but you’ve got to be wary about having your money ripped from your wallet by greedy supplement companies.
A quality bodybuilding eBook will explain what supplements are best for actually helping your muscle gains, but it won’t peddle any one product or line of supplements. Who would you rather buy from? A greedy salesperson who sells out to a brand by assuring you that their “super secret formula” is the one you’ve got to buy for real gains? Or an honest bodybuilder who’s got no dog of his own in the supplement fight?
5. Tips for Success
This is a bit of a vague topic, but any bodybuilding eBook worth its salt will give you a plethora of tips for consistency and success in building muscle. Bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint, and it’s going to get hard sometimes to stick to your training and eating schedule. Motivational material, tips on how to never miss a meal, and any other practical info will certainly be found in a good bodybuilding book.