Cheap MP4 Players

These are questions I get asked every day, so I thought it would be nice to put all the answers together for you into one place.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
- What do I look for in a MP4 player? A). As players use flash memory, you can drag and drop songs and video directly from your PC fast, then take it on the bus, train, jogging or use the MP4 technology to watch videos or training videos anywhere. Many players have high gain microphones for there built in Dictaphone, letting you create MP3 files for later use, ideal for lectures and meetings.
- Where do I find best value for money? A). Find a company who directly import products from China, Japan, etc. but offer a UK warranty e.g. the UK Company who sold you the product are duty bound to replace it if faulty, It’s also good to check that the company have a support forum as you can get great tips and advice also be notified of free software upgrades.
- What is the Memory Scam? A). Many people who purchased MP3 / MP4 players on-line purchased for example a 2gig model, when they put songs or films onto the flash memory, the device never worked, when they re-format it, turns out it’s actually a 1gig product, this happens on many auction sites and bad companies.
- What are the best options for headphones? A). Many headphones that sit in your ear can be low quality, however some sites supply you with noise cancelling headphones that block loud noises such as buses and trains, giving you the high quality you want.