Lasting Longer During Sex – A Step By Step Approach For Stopping Premature Ejaculation

Here’s a step by step approach for lasting longer during sex so you can stop premature ejaculation. These steps rely on the simplest methods to start and graduate on to the surefire method which will ensure that quick ejaculation won’t occur.
- Foreplay. First thing you want to do is extend foreplay as long as possible. Women take longer to orgasm, so you need to “warm them up” during foreplay as long as possible. This way, during sex, you will both be closer to experiencing orgasm at the same time. Plus being able to stop premature ejaculation will be much easier, and employing the next steps will be much easier.
- Pull out. If you feel quick ejaculation coming on during sex, pull out and relax by taking deep breathes. You still want to please your partner through other means, while your body settles down and you get your “second wind” where you can continue having sex. Lasting longer during sex will be easier to do during your “second wind” if you pull out, relax your body, and then pick up where you left off.
- Take your mind off of sex. Lasting longer during sex is much easier to do when your mind is not focused on the act itself. You can practice deep breathing during sex, while focusing on your breath by bringing air in slowly and then gently releasing the air. Don’t try to think of football or some other sports as other guys may recommend. You may lose your excitement, and your erection, altogether.
- Kegel flex during sex. Doing kegels during sex is your last secret weapon to stop premature ejaculation. After you’ve extended foreplay, pulled out, and have taken deep breathes during intimacy, you now want to implement kegel flexes. This actually takes some training before hand to ensure the muscles you are flexing are strong enough. These are the same muscles you use while stopping urination. While they are strong enough to cease urinary flow, they usually are not strong enough to stop ejaculation flow. You will want to spend a few weeks flexing these muscles on their own to build up their strength. Then, while having sex, when you feel ejaculation coming on, do your kegel flexing to prevent ejaculation flow. Once prevented you are able to continue having sex longer, and if you find the urge for ejaculation to occur again, simply do another flex.