Qualities of A Good Body Lotion/Creme

A good body crème should be able to bring out the best in a man or woman in terms of beauty, elegance and grace.
A good body beauty crème must contain exclusive herbal extracts and other natural ingredients that will provide relief from any pain or discomfort caused as a result of conspicuous spider veins, cracky/scaly, oily, sensitive, tough, dry/scaly, spongy and/or dimpled-looking skins, wrinkles and fine lines, red blotches and broken capillaries etc.
Hence, it must the following attributes/qualities/benefits:
- The appearances of spider veins must be reduced to the barest minimum or eliminated completely;
- Red blotches and broken capillaries must disappear from the body;
- The usual color changes of the skin will be reduced;
- Swollen ankles and feet must be relieved as a result of the application;
- There should not be any existence of muscle cramps, if any;
- There will be immense relief from heavy legs
Applying crème /lotion to a woman’s skin in order to have the maximum effect requires tactics. When a man or woman applies the body/lotion immediately s/he is out of the bath or shower, the crème will have the maximum effect on the body. Why? Because the body is still fresh from the cooling effect of the water spray and applying the crème before the body becomes dry fully will incorporate the lotion into the body. As the internal body heat is returning the body skin back to the normal human temperature, the applied crème/lotion will be getting heated into the body pores and cavities and thus do the required work.
Skin disorder such as Eczema will be treated to make the skin recover its perfect condition;
Dry skins will become rejuvenated. Not only that, those skins that are cracky/scaly, oily, sensitive and tough as a result of maturity or some other factors will experience a new rejuvenated appearance. The vital components in the crème/lotion (e.g. ferments, ionizing sea salts, antioxidants etc.) induced in the crème will protect the skin from the harsh conditions of weather/climate and make the skin become rejuvenated with the perfect clarity and radiance to the skin.
However, a good body crème/lotion:
- Must not be the one that will clog your skin pores;
- Should be able to terminate the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines;
- Skin-wise, you should be feeling a lot better and proud of your appearance;
- Should be able to moisturize your skin such that you stay young-looking and your skin remains beautiful and attractive;
- Constant application of a good body crème/lotion will make you experience comfort on your skin as your skin will be feeling skin-silky and soft.
- A good body lotion/crème is for all human being who desire beauty, decency, comfort and happiness. Either you are a man, woman, baby, youngster or an oldster, you are expected to apply a decent body crème to your skin for the required maximum effect: soft and silky skin, nice body tan, decent appearance, your partner’s satisfaction etc.
- You experience the feeling of being nice, energized and satisfied when you apply and see the outcome of the body lotion/crème because of what it does to your body by:
- Hydrating your sensitive, dry/scaly, spongy and/or dimpled-looking skin;
- Protecting your skins from germs, bacteria, viruses and/or any skin ailments and diseases;
- Smoothening your skin by removing all appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, NOT clogging your skin pores;
- Assisting in improving your blood circulation and hence reducing the tissue pressure of your body;
IMPORTANT NOTE: Always make sure that your skin lotion/crème does not get into your eyes. ALWAYS PROTECT YOUR EYE. Skin lotion/crème is NOT an eye drop/lotion!