Best Body Moisturizing Cream – Are You Being Deceived?

The best body moisturizing cream will have, believe it or not, few ingredients listed on the label. I used to think like my husband: more is better. Well, not in this case.
How many different compounds do you think a product needs in order to be effective in hydration and protection against free radicals? Fewer than you may realize. I made that discovery when I started reading labels. I was shocked.
I began my research when the so-called best body moisturizing cream I was using just didn’t seem to be living up to my expectations. My skin still felt dry and itchy. I discovered that it was what they put into these products, not how I was using them that was the problem. Urea, methylparaben, sodium hydroxide. My goodness! What have I been using, I thought.
It’s the glycerin, alcohol and other unnecessary additives that were making my problems worse. And frankly, I became angry whenever I would see a commercial on television raving about this cleanser or that lotion. All those false promises!
The best body moisturizing cream will contain soothing essential oils and extracts, not a long list of ingredients you can barely pronounce. I have recently read research, that some of the things they put into these products may actually damage your skin over time. A good reason for me not to use them. Perhaps you feel the same way.
Since I began using natural lotions and creams, those derived from plants and other organic matter, my skin has never felt or looked better. I won’t use anything else.