Best Supplements for Muscle Gain: Give Your Body the Best Chance for Growth

For those people that are trying to increase muscle strength and size it is important to follow a supplement regime along with your weight training and muscle gain diet. It is important that you find the best supplements for muscle gain to give your body an environment that will promote muscle growth. Although weight training and diet are critically to muscle gain, providing your body with the best supplements for muscle gain will help greatly.
It is easy to become confused today by the amount of supplements available on line and in your locally supplement store. When searching for the best supplements for muscle gain it is tough not to walk aimlessly through aisle of literally 1,000 of products and wonder what is right for me?
Training supplements can provide your body with the necessary nutrition and add energy that is critical in muscle gain.
Although there are many supplements out there that can be used to gain muscle, I have narrowed it down to 4 supplements that are the safest and most effective for building muscle.
Protein / Post work out
Consuming enough protein is absolutely critical to building muscle. Your muscles require protein in order to grow and repair after heavy training. If you are wondering how much protein to consume, a good rule of thumb is to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. There are many different types of protein supplements on the market which include whey, egg, soy, casein, beef, or some that include a blend of different ones. I suggest if you are drinking protein in the morning or at night to buy a protein blend, that as both slow and fast absorbing proteins.
The best supplements for muscle gain for post work out recovery is a whey protein supplement. Body builders and athletes have proved that consuming whey protein for post work out recovery is extremely beneficial due to the fact that whey protein is absorbed by the body very quickly (within thirty minutes of consumption). Whey protein can also be taken with a simple carbohydrate such as dextrose to deliver the protein to the muscle for maximum recovery.
Creatine is naturally produced in the body to supply muscles with energy, and is one of the best supplements for muscle gain. research has shown that creatine supplementation is been proven safe and effective for muscle gain. Creatine supplements hydrate your muscle, with this increased hydration your muscle is able to withstand more fatigue and allow you to have more energy in the gym.
This increased hydration will however lead to some water retention and could cause your muscles to become less hard. If you decided to start taking a creatine supplement it is important that you hit the gym and use the energy boost to its full advantage. It is also important to maintain a well balanced diet and drink plenty of water. The recommended dosage for creatine is between 3-5 milligrams daily.
Branch chain amino acids are one of the best supplements for muscle gain. They stimulate protein synthesis in muscles, improve endurance, and reduce muscle breakdown. The three BCAA’s: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These are essential to muscle building and is one of the best supplements for muscle gain.
Pre-workout supplement
To make sure you are having work outs that are intense and you do not experience the plateau it is important to use some sort of pre-work out supplement. The best supplements for muscle gain for post work out will include the following ingredients: Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Taurine, and caffeine (if desired). By combining these compounds you are able to sustain high intensity work outs for a longer period of time. Having these compounds in one formula will provide one of the best supplements for muscle gain.
There you have it these are four of the best supplements for muscle gain. I hope that this helps when you are trying to find what products are right for you.
To achieve the maximum results and for the best supplements for muscle gain, I recommend that you try these fine products.
Check this out to learn about the best pre work out supplement.