The Truth About Six Pack Abs Program Review

The Truth About Six Pack Abs by Mike Geary is the most popular abs development program online. This E-book is a guide for people who wish to lose belly fat and get flat abs. This E-book will tell you why many people failed to get six pack abs and it includes a professional training and nutrition guide that will help you keep lean, toned stomach for life.
Michael Geary – The Author of “The Truth About Six Pack Abs Program”.
Michael is a certified nutrition expert and personal trainer with over 10 years in experience, his “The Truth About Six Pack Abs” combines specific exercises and nutrition and gives you insight into some of the secrets to having six pack abs. He believes that dieting and training is the key to get a flat stomach. Written by a personal trainer himself, the book is very well organized too. There are more than 13 specific nutritional secrets and 131 pages filled with pictures of full-body workouts.
The Truth About Six Pack Abs lists the best exercises for the abs, over 25 to 30 stomach exercises designed to give you that ripped set of six pack, all with color pictures and with its steps. I think this section is very important because many beginners don’t understand how to do the exercises correctly. To the beginner, this section may prove to be invaluable.
The nutrition section is also very useful and informative. This book not only explains the ab exercises but the diet and special foods that will help to achieve your goal as the food is 80{70bf3f0de345653d44762dc26ff670ad140dd79bcbd9067b668b28c6672699c3} of the battle and the exercise is 20{70bf3f0de345653d44762dc26ff670ad140dd79bcbd9067b668b28c6672699c3}. Mike Geary will teach you the importance of nutrition and what kind of foods you should eat. He also explains why low-fat or low-carb diets may actually destroy your efforts to lose fat. This book also contains nutritional information and recipes to help you to change how and what you eat.