Tips for Staying Attractive in Your 50s

Boomers and Gen X generations are both known for their great love of being physically fit. These are the generations who made jogging, aerobics, and gym membership popular!
Now that you’re in your 50s, it’s no time to stop being active. Most midlife singles like you want a mature mate who’s physically active to feel attraction. However, now in your 50s, you want to be sure to pursue physical exercise activities which won’t stress your joints.
What are some of your options? Maybe it’s time to do low-impact aerobics or join a yoga class. Check with your doctor about the condition of your joints getting stressed if you still want to keep jogging.
Staying active in your fifties is not just about your looking attractive. For mature singles, it’s about your being attractive. They are attracted to mature singles who enjoy and seek to share their active lifestyles with a potential mate. You might be a jogger, but your senior date might bicycle or enjoy moderate hikes.
In order to find and attract a physically active mature midlife mate, you’ll want to look in a number of different places. In addition to online dating, you’ll want to go to venues and activities where you’re likely to meet mature singles with an active lifestyle. Seek out for local activity groups. Engage in activities which are not exactly the ones which you regularly pursue to stretch yourself and meet active singles with complimentary interests to yours.
In addition to going to the gym when mature singles might be there, it means you want to attend thing like dance classes. Sure, there’s ballroom dancing. They’re great fun. But many of them cannot provide you with a regular dance partner. Plus, it’s at least a 6 week commitment which might not yield any potential dates.
Instead aim for dances with mixers like English Folk Dances and Contra Dances. Unlike some other dance types, both of these folk dance styles often start their dance nights with a mini-class. So, if you’re new to the dance style, show up early. Now, of course if you’re a smart single in your 50s, even if you’re already skilled in the dance style, show up early so you can meet the new dancers that night! Also, their getting to partner with someone like you who is more skilled really helps and supports them as a new dancer.
While not every dance done that evening will be a mixer, not all of the dances will be with one partner either. Invariably, you’ll have the opportunity to dance briefly with many of the other dancers there and meet them all. Then during the breaks, hang out by the food and water area. Why? Because after dancing, everyone will be drinking lots of water. You can easily chat up the other dancers!
Do keep active to stay attractive in your 50s, and while you’re doing so, who knows who’ll you meet? Maybe your next midlife mate!