Why a Singaporean Should Learn Swimming

Recently, the heavy downpour in Singapore resulted in flooding in several areas. It even happened twice in one week.
Drowning cases have been on the rise on this small island as compared to other countries. There was a lady who nearly drowned during the flood. She was walking down the street and did not think that the flood would be so serious. While walking to the bus station, she fell into a drain and could not get out. She was lucky to be saved by a coffee shop owner. There was also another case that happened last year. A school girl drowned while trying to recover her cell phone from a drain.
These incidences show that:
1. We are living on an island and there are many ways to drown;.
2. Even if you are trying to avoid water sports, you can’t avoid natural disasters; and
3. If you are familiar with water survival skills or swimming, you may be able to save yourself in many cases.
It is easy to sign up for swimming lessons in Singapore. There are plenty of swimming pools and swimming schools available. In fact, we are one of the countries that has the most swimming pools based on our size. If you count swimming complexes and condo pools, then you can imagine the number of swimming pools in Singapore. For your safety, even if you choose not to learn swimming with us, we still strongly recommend that you learn swimming from someone else!