Weight Loss With Tony Gazelle Elliptical – Possible If You Don’t Make This 1 Mistake

You’ve probably seen it on tv a bunch of times… Tony Little and his Elliptical machine called the Gazelle. So is weight loss possible with this thing? Yes, but…
First, let me say that I love elliptical machines. I think they’re way better than treadmills because they’re so easy on the joints and ligaments. Using an elliptical machine allows you to have a great low impact workout.
Second, the Gazelle would make a perfect addition to anyone who works out at home.
Now, the problem with most cardio machines such as this has to do with how they’re used, not the machines. About 98{70bf3f0de345653d44762dc26ff670ad140dd79bcbd9067b668b28c6672699c3} of people make this mistake too.
So what is it?
Simply put, most people do “steady state” cardio. What that means is they do long, slow to moderate paced sessions of over 30 minutes in a row.
Well, that’s just not the most efficient way to burn fat.
A better way to use the Gazelle for weight loss is to do HIIT… which is short for high intensity interval training.
Here’s an example of how you can do it.
Using the Gazelle… get on it and start going at a slow to moderate pace for 15-20 seconds. Easy enough. Ok, now after you’re done with that, go all out… really intense… as fast as you can go. Do this for just 10 seconds.
Great! What just happened was you did your first interval. Now keep repeating that cycle for 6-10 minutes. Then get off the machine and rest… and get a drink of water.
What’s awesome about HIIT is that it’s quick and burns more fat than plain old jogging. The reason why it burns more calories and fat is because of what is called an “afterburn”. What that means is your body (after it’s done with a HIIT session) is in a hyper fat loss state.
It’s at an elevated level of fat burning. But the great part is, it stays at this elevated fat burning mode for about 18 hours after a HIIT session. That equals massive amounts of fat loss compared to jogging or walking… because once you’re done jogging, you’re done burning fat. No afterburn.
So… weight loss with the Tony Gazelle elliptical is definitely possible if you don’t make that 1 mistake. So give it a try. It’s a great piece of equipment.