How to Deal With an Interview Running Overtime

How to Deal With an Interview Running Overtime

What happens when your interview runs over? One of the biggest issues in recording audio interviews, can be it running longer than you had expected.

If you want a good 45 minute to an hour interview edited, I would ask for an hour and a half. If you really want to go for it and make sure there’s nothing scheduled after that, say we’re going to need two hours. This gives you the extra time to make sure you get what you really need.

If you’re hesitant about doing that, you can always just take what you get. Ask for an hour, and settle for thirty minutes. Even if you get a good thirty minute interview with a high profile guy, that’s still valuable because you’ve got the interview. You’ve got yourself interviewing them. You’ve got his name, and that’s going to be good for generating traffic and generating leads. You just ask.

You could ask beforehand before you set up with them, say, “Hey, how long will you have?” This will insure that you know how much time you will have from the beginning, and can prepare accordingly. This problem even happens to me. When I was doing an interview with Bill Bartmann, I think we were at an hour and a half, and had more questions I wanted to ask. It was such a good interview, but he stopped me. He was like, “No, we’ve got to stop right now.” So I ended the interview, but I asked, which is all you can do.