The Chafed Penis and Jogging: Finding Relief for the Run

The coming of autumn weather inspires many men to take up jogging, which is an excellent way to stay active and healthy. Unfortunately, as with any form of exercise, jogging also comes with some potential side effects – including the dreaded chafed penis. Those men that are taking up (or continuing with) a jogging or running program need to exercise proper penis care in order to deal with chafing and make their physical activity experience more enjoyable.
There are several steps a man can take to help prevent a chafed penis while jogging.
– Drink up. It’s always important to stay hydrated when exercising, for many reasons. When running, dehydration can add to the likelihood of chafing all over the body, including the penis. Therefore, it’s important to drink plenty of water before, during and after a lengthy jog.
– Avoid commando style. Some running clothes are designed to be worn without underwear, but for the casual runner who just wears a pair of plain old gym shorts, going commando should not be considered an option. When the penis is left without the protection provided by underwear, it rubs against the much rougher fabric of the gym shorts – a guaranteed path to chafing.
– Think supporter. Even better than wearing briefs or boxers is to don an athletic supporter for the outing. This not only provides protection from the penis rubbing against the outerwear, it also helps keep the member and testicles in place during the run. With less flopping around, there’s less rubbing and less chance of chafing. While the traditional cotton jock is an option, many men would do better with a supporter made out of a synthetic material. Cotton absorbs sweat and passes it on to the penis. This can add to the likelihood of chafing. Whatever material one chooses, the jock needs to be washed (and allowed to dry completely) after each use.
– Choose shorts carefully. Loose clothing, such as gym shorts, may not be the best option if one wants to prevent chafing. Tighter, snugger-fitting shorts cause less chafing in general. Investigate whether compression or bike shorts, or some other form of lycra-based covering, may be better. However, be sure that the fit is not TOO tight, as this can cause circulation problems.
Chafing care
Unfortunately, even taking precautions is no guarantee that chafing will not occur. When it does, it should be attended to promptly.
Ideally, a man wants to “air out” his package. If a man has the option of being naked for an extended period of time, he should take advantage of it. Whether he can go bare or not, he also needs to properly clean the area with a gentle cleanser. Care needs to be taken when drying to ensure that a rough towel or an aggressive rubbing doesn’t produce further irritation to the penis.
Of primary importance with a chafed penis (whether from jogging or another cause) is to apply a quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) promptly. Be sure to select a crème that includes a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a powerful hydrator (such as vitamin E); this combination helps to provide the all-important moisturize that soothes and heals dry, chafed skin. Keeping the penis properly moisturized is key during the healing process. It’s also advisable to use a crème with vitamin A, in order to take advantage of that vitamin’s anti-bacterial properties. Many joggers develop an unpleasant aroma in the crotch area due to sweat-related bacteria. Vitamin A is excellent at helping to fight the bacteria that produces that persistent, unwanted odor. Keeping the penis skin in good health through the use of a crème like Man1 Man Oil makes jogging more enjoyable and comfortable.